
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Kanzashi Flower clip

 I miss not blogging...several reasons I haven't lately....
One -- an issue with uploading photos 
(a message telling me I'm out of space)
The second --- everything I'm making is either a gift for me to give away or a gift for someone else to give away....
 This is my newest obsession...
Kanzashi Flowers
This hair clip is for Mighty
 Originally I intended to use my tie scraps (from the cell phone holders post) but this one is grosgrain ribbon...
Still experimenting to avoid making "granny flowers" as my husband calls them....
Kanzashi were originally a Japanese art form for Geisha's to wear in their hair.  They were made from hand dyed silk and rice glue...
You can Google the term and find all kinds of info....
I'm just totally addicted to making them right now and getting them to look the way I want....
You'll see more of these soon!

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