
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ottoman slipcover

I made this ottoman slipcover for a sweet friend I go to church with.  She and I did a sewing lesson awhile back which was a lot of fun.  And we stenciled on some pillow slips. 
 She wanted this to have a lot of numbers on it so she sent me some inspiration photos of coffee sacks and feed sacks used to cover furniture.  She decided to use dates that were important to their make it more personal.
 I had several dates (birthdates, anniversary, etc) but I needed a few more....
So I decided to turn the letters of the alphabet into numbers instead....and then put names on it. 
Only in numbers....
This is made from drop cloth which will continue to fray and unravel as she washes and uses it, but 
 she also liked the raw edges on the outside so I double stitched all the seems and ran a bead of fray check inside.  
She's thrilled with it and I was happy with it too...

1 comment:

  1. That's really cool!! I've been wanting to make something similar using my coffee sacks...
