
Friday, September 21, 2012

Eastern Black Swallowtail

Meet Katy #2....earlier this summer my sweet little son found a caterpillar and then cried when he took it out and dropped it....
For his birthday he got one of the coolest gifts ever...
a caterpillar castle (a square netted cube) and 3 caterpillars.
A wonderful, giving couple we go to church with like to grow plants to attract the butterflies, and she hunts for the eggs and baby caterpillars to watch them grow and transform....
 She knew how much Seth loved this sort of thing and decided to share with him.  And we felt honored to have them.
 Thursday afternoon we found our first empty chrysalis and this little beauty below....
 Her wings were still damp I think.  So she decided to hang out and visit with us.  Doodlebug said "it was like she wanted to get to know me and be my friend!"
 So many wonders in the world when you look...especially when you are 5!  One of the best parts of being a parent I think....seeing things through the eyes of your child.
 Just watching so close and getting to really see her and how different she looks from how she started....
I wonder if when God looks at the caterpillar He can see the butterfly the whole time?

 Wow --and they only live a few days this way...such a short time after they've come so far.
 Absolutely fascinating to see her in this much detail...
 And I will never forget my little son talking to her like she's a person telling her about his day in his innocent way...
 She stayed for about 10 or 15 minutes and watching her and watching my son with her was a little bit of magic on a plain, old Thursday afternoon....


  1. Rachel.....this is just so precious!!! And such beautiful photos....aren't you glad you have this recorded for the future?? I was choked up after reading this and looking at sweet Seth's little happy face.....what a blessing!

    1. Oh am I ever. I love having our camera. It takes amazing photos and we have taken many since we got it. These moments are the reason we got it. I have not regretted it!!! The whole process with the butterflies has been really sweet to watch with him. He has such a tender heart and I wouldn't change that for the world!
