
Monday, July 9, 2012

Vintage Shaving Mirror

I had envisioned one of these old shaving mirrors at my new vanity thinking I'd probably never find a vintage one and I'd have to buy a new one....
I was looking at IKEA, since those seemed to be the most reasonably priced and even found a new one on Ebay for $16...  
But, I waited knowing we had two of our better flea markets on the agenda for the weekend.  And we had a little "fun" money from things we'd sold at the shop....
But I seriously didn't think I'd actually FIND one...

So I was all excited...
I had a bunch of photos ready to use for this post...(my husband refers to them as "blog-tastic"
All beautiful and PROUD of myself for finding this little gem this weekend.   Thinking about sharing the story of how I found it....then this..... 
 Man do my kids have a way of keeping things REAL and even more importantly me humble....
This was one of the most precious moments I've had with my son lately....
 he's just so full of energy and curiosity and innocence....
When he saw that it moved he was of course fascinated, but he also needed to try it out!
He got some shaving cream with a "razor" from his Grandma for Christmas :)
 Oh to be 4 again!!! (or according to him --half four and half five) he was so excited that I let him shave at the shaving mirror....and seeing him doing all this just reminds me of what's really important in my life.
Unfortunately it's all too easy to get caught up in what's not important, and for those things to grow to unrealistic proportions...
all of the emotional stress of having our house for sale, and an unplanned bathroom redo, getting caught up in worrying about wether or not it will just doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things.  Even "good" things like flea marketing and making our own creations pale in comparison to the two beautiful babies God has blessed us with.  


  1. Tell Dootlebug that he is now famous. When I saw the first picture, I thought, is that a little guy trying it out? And, sure enough, it was. So precious. Turn around and he will be shaving as a daily 'chore'.

  2. So sweet! Why, oh why do they grow up so fast?!

  3. love love and tell him not to grow up so should see the mustache and beard on my baby boy..o yea baby is going to be 35 this July,and is a 50 in the shoulders and 36 in the out yes...but also a Daddy to 3...they grow to fast,slow him down...and Van Dykes. Do you know where their original store was...I know they are in Mitchell but I think they started in Parkston,S.Dak...because I remember going to the shop and getting stuff do redo a piece my Dad was working on...My grandma lived in Parkston and my Mom was born their...and twice a year we visited...and the best best Pheasant hunting in the world....Fun stuff girl

  4. HOW CUTE IS THAT! love the shaving pictures! and the mirror is so cool! I'll email you when i post the feature, thanks so much!
