
Friday, July 13, 2012

Sundial Cloth Covered Wire

 We purchased this sweet little clock at Springfield this past week-end.  So my husband, being the stickler for detail that he is, purchased some *VERY* cool cloth covered wire to add to it.
 If you're into the vintage look you have to check out their stuff!!!  Go to --they have all sorts of color options and different gauges, etc.  This is a great resource for vintage electrical pieces.
 I was so excited to get going I didn't do photos of wiring up the plug.  It's pretty simple.  You strip the wires (I have those photos below) the same way you do to wire to the clock itself.  Only there are two little screws inside the case of the plug that you wrap your cord wires to.  Then you tighten those screws and put on a little plastic cover.
 Unwiring the old plug...the little metal wires are just twisted together...untwist those.
 Pull the cloth back and there is a plastic covering on these wires as well.  You'll need wire strippers to remove that and expose the wires.  You'll need about and inch or so to work with...
 Our wire was 18 gauge --your wire strippers are marked for different gauge wires.  You're cutting up to the wire without cutting the wire itself off...
 Put the cloth wire up through the opening in the can see the copper wire exposed at the tops of the cloth cord....
 Twist your wire together --splitting the cord wires so you have two separate pieces and then twist one to each of the cords coming from the clock itself....
 Twist on some wire nuts.  They cover the exposed wire and you tighten them until they won't tighten anymore....
 Ohhhh she looks good like this!!!!  Love it!  We actually wanted the red cloth wire but it was backordered in the size we needed....

 He sooooo deserves this...for those of you who know my husband he's pretty quiet and reserved in home it's a different story....I'll leave it at that....
 And there she is....I've been rearranging living room furniture AGAIN.  Because I cannot be still apparently....The cool little lamp was a Goodwill purchase.  I just loved the tall shade for some reason.  And I stole the fern idea from Melissa at Cass her blog...check out the beautiful home they live in, and have been working on fixing up if you get a chance!
 And I re-did the little table.  My uncle made it for me and I'm planning a post on that.  I used some blue wax....a pretty nifty little technique--tinting your wax with paint!
The bathroom is so close to being finished.  My husband is finishing up the big sink install as I type of that soon too!

1 comment:

  1. girl this is way the old look of the wire..and your shy hubby..cute fun pic...print and blow up and tuck in a fun frame(like use some of the wire and twist some of the wire around the frame.) the pic on your table fun....and if you have some old books stack and place one of the items on the top of the give some up and down dept to the Great table...which I love..and Where did you find that fun crane,I have an Niece who's hubby run's a crane company in what u did all the best,Kat
