
Monday, May 6, 2013

Zinc Covered Letters

We have scrap pieces of zinc left from covering tables that are pretty much too small to do anything else with....
so here's what we decided to do...
 We laid out block letters (an H and an L) on 3/4" plywood and then cut them out with the jigsaw...
 Here's the H all cut's 18" tall by 12&1/2" wide...
To cover the H we added the 3/4" and another 1/2" to be able to wrap it around the sides and all the way onto the back so there is a place to tack it into the wood....
Here's how I decided to tackle the inside corners. 
The photo of the "L" below shows the metal clipped for the inner and outer corners which might help it make sense...
The outside ones are easy because you cut a square out and solder them...inside corners you end up with a "v" shaped gap...
So I added these small pieces and soldered the seams....

 And since these are decorative letters I decided to leave the corners a little more rough and not worry so much about smoothing them out all the way...

 It's in our booth (#15 aisle #2) now at the Peddler's Mall....

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