
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Letter Gift Tags

My big gift tag idea this year was to use my letter stencils and the fun new metallic sharpie markers in gold, silver and bronze....
My stencils are well used *translated* gunked up with acrylic I made the lines thicker to clean up all the jagged edges left after I traced them.
Doodlebugs real name starts with an "S" so of course he keeps insisting that all the "S" tags are do you explain to a 5 year old at Christmas that other people's names start with "S" as well?!??!?!?
We have a few repeat letters so I added some other colors so I could tell whose gift was whose....
you could write the full name on the back as well...


  1. Your gift wrapping and stencils remind me of how a dear friend of mine does it; one thing she does is assign a wrapping or letter color for each kid. All of her kids' names begin with "C" so she finds the unique color for each one really helps!

    1. We too have many of the same letter in our extended family....but I love how these looked on all the packages. A little nicer than the peel and stick ones :) Santa does use a specific paper for each of our kiddos! Which works great on Christmas morning....Thanks for stopping by!
