
Friday, October 12, 2012

Reupholstering Seats missing caning

These two beauties came from my sister-in-law who picked them up for a song at a local flea market this summer....
I decided to stain these and upholster them
--it kind of looked like they had a caned inset of some sort at one time.

I love painting furniture---the way it looks all distressed but I have an appreciation for stained wood furniture too....
I tacked in some webbing for support and added some thin, 1 inch thick foam on top.
I really had my heart set on using this pale blue green leather with nail heads but the piece I had was just too narrow, and I had trouble getting the nails to go in straight.  
Probably because the oak is a harder wood...
I finally gave up and decided to use a feed sack I had on hand with some nice blue stripes and stenciled numbers...
 I think some lightweight,flexible stabilizer would have helped give the seats a smoother finish and I may try that if I ever did this type of seat again....
 It's very hard to keep it all straight with the feed sacks being a looser woven canvas 
 And you're trying to keep the two sides similar and straight but the feed sacks aren't perfectly symmetrical....
Some trim to hide the staples and finish them off  
And they're ready to go off to the shop...


  1. They turned out really well! I love the texture of the grain sacks!

  2. Thanks Melissa! I've been reading your sofa posts :) and looking at your photos. I got a little deeper into my slipper chair today and was excited to find that I think the springs are all fine! It was tufted top and bottom both and some of that had come loose which made it look uneven....I'm pressing on!
