
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lego Train

 We had a crazy strong wind storm this past Friday evening while I was right in the middle of laying the new flooring in our brought down alot of branches in our back yard and a whole tree right down the road.  No major damage --we were just without power for the night.
 This would be my son's (and Papa's) latest lego creation....he specifically asked me to take photos and put it on the blog....
 So we had a Train photo shoot this evening :) and these were the best shots....
My sweet son is constantly amazing me....he has quite the imagination!  I cannot believe he's almost 5 years old....time flies...


  1. Very nice train there Doodlebug, keep on creating.

    1. Helen you made his day!!!!!! LOL wish you could've seen his face when I read him your comment :) He was so excited that someone looked at it....future blogger in the works for sure!!!! THANK YOU!
