
Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Camera

 Oh my word I'm in's the beginning of a wonderful relationship I think!
 Playing with the lighting is has a telephoto lens...
 I mean really look at this face....or were you distracted by the hair?!??!?!? 
 My AMAZING husband built himself a forge because he's going to teach himself to blacksmith...
 Just another day at the VanHook house...people who know us aren't surprised in the least...
 He asked for coal for Christmas :) and got some new hammers and some steel to bang on....
 But this right here....this is what it's all about...
I want to be keeping these moments recorded.  What better way than to have the ability to do it myself while we 're just living plain 'ole life???
GOD is good, and I know how blessed I am.....


  1. Woo Hoo! I am really excited for you! I love the crispness of the pictures. And you have a good eye! Oh and yes, I saw the face on your son way before I noticed the hair! What a doll!

  2. By the way, what kind of camera did you end up getting?

  3. Great pictures! It was fun seeing a glimpse of your life. Happy New Year!

  4. Seriously...the camera made a huge difference!!! I must have one!
