
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Grandma's Jewelry

When my Grandma passed away I got a whole box of her costume jewelry.....
 She loved jewelry and shoes and purses; so I get it honest (and apparently so does Mighty...)
 So once again Martha Stewart magazine comes through for me!  On page 51 of the most recent issue they suggested sprucing up old jewelry using ribbon to change the way it looks....
 I used two 12" lengths of brown, grosgrain ribbon which I tied to a jump ring (you can see it on the right side of the necklace in the photo above) I attached around the last bead on each end.  I also decided to add the flower 
 The perfect solution for this turquoise bead necklace that was broken...and the beads are glued to the thread so there was no way to take them off.
 I love this piece because I remember her wearing it often....just reminds me how blessed I am to have had a childhood filled with Grandmas and Grandpas....
Simple and easy but so glad I saw the idea....
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. What a wonderful way to keep your memories of your grandmother alive and well.

  2. I love what you did with the necklace and how special it is became it was your Grandmother's.
