I asked our son what he thought he might want to be for Trunk or Treat (our church does this for Halloween) He turned 4 this year. Up to this point he hasn't been real interested in the whole dressing up thing....
His first answer "A skid loader" then a couple of weeks later "A steam engine" and that's the one that stuck so we started with this...
We used a heavy cardboard tube that our zinc sheet metal came in (but you could buy a concrete form from Lowe's)
We bought one sheet of foam insulation for $13 that we cut into 3 pieces (front and 2 sides)
We cut a circle in the front piece of the "cab" for the tube to slide through. Cut a hole in the top and bottom of the tube itself for Doodlebug to stand in...
We measured and cut out windows and used a foam adhesive to glue it all together....
A piece of galvanized ductwork for the steam funnel...or smoke stack...
Again we cut a hole in the tube itself and then glued it in. We also put a piece of foam in the bottom because we 're going to put a container of dry ice in there for some "smoke"

A Pringles can top that will get several glow stick bracelets for a headlight....
Today she got her black paint :) which really made it all look finished!!!
Some cardboard wheels that will get tacked on with nails when he's ready to wear it...
We may also stencil some numbers on her if we get a chance....
And she wouldn't be complete without some STEAM!!!!
He did great! Wore it the whole time and ate up all the attention...
I'm pretty sure after about 5 minutes of wearing this tonight he'll want to take it off....
We'll see...
And finally the actual wearing of the costume!!!
Happy as can be right here and all serious below....He did great! Wore it the whole time and ate up all the attention...
Then as my husband is loading it back into the car to go home he says..."I want to check it over Dad...to see if there's damage..."
Ahhhhh he is my husband's son....
That is adorable! You guys did such a great job!