
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Leather Guitar Pick Key Ring Fob

 This was a request from a friend I go to church with...
her husband plays in our worship team and she wanted this as a Christmas gift for him...
 It's a fun piece to make since it goes together pretty quickly being so small.  Makes a nice little gift item for the musicians you may know... 

After trying out the pattern I decided to make several in different colors tan is in the back on the left, the natural leather is in the middle, and the dark brown is on the right...
 Our son asked for a guitar for Christmas so he got the original to hold a few guitar picks.  We gave one to a guy my husband works with because he loaned us some picks to help get our pattern right. The last one went to our worship leader at church as a Christmas gift.
I had 3 picks in it and our worship leader had about 10 so it will hold alot...and the leather softens and ages so well.
 I have a few more things to share now that everything has been given away as gifts.  It's crazy to think that on Christmas morning so many people were giving away things that we had made.  We don't take it lightly and feel so honored that we can share our talent...
God has been good to us, and chosen to bless our little shop with a great year so all the credit goes to Him

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