
Monday, October 14, 2013


 Things are changing a lot around here...
it's been a crazy month.  
My son started school this fall going a half day to kindergarten and after meeting with his teacher we  decided to move him to full day....
 I wasn't really ready for that one...So now he's gone all day and I get to enjoy Mighty by herself...
 And my husband's job was affected by the government shutdown so that definitely rocked our "normal" this month...
 Mostly I'm trying to enjoy fall...
Thankful for my family and the beauty that God created on this Earth for us to enjoy.  I don't really love winter but I do love the change of seasons.
And there is so much there if you just look...slowing down is hard for me.
My brain is always in high gear ---
full of family and responsibilities, serving at our church and creative ideas of new things I 'd love to make or do....
 But just this morning I read "Be still and know that I am God..."  
So glad He is...

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