
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Oh our crazy chickens....
They are getting big &
this group is pretty nutty....
 So they fit right in around here....
every evening the newer group of chicks tries to roost in our hedge...
 So while our two grown chickens go right into the coop and settle on the roosting bar; they are still bullying the smaller ones around some.
My husband goes out every evening after we put the kids to bed and gets all 9 of them down one at a time....

This innocent looking, fluffy cheeked Americana leads the pack and settles on a nice, sturdy limb by herself..
the rest of them try to follow by piling on top of each other on another branch...
which slowly sinks towards the ground. 
They are a riot to watch....
But we're hoping they outgrow they're roosting in the hedge

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