
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hand stitching leather supplies

Some photos of the supplies we use to hand stitch leather goods...linen thread and beeswax..
Waxing the thread helps the stitches stay tight and not slip...
You also have to use blunt tipped needles (2 of those) which I don't have any photos of yet...

 A thick rubber mat to protect your work surface, a set of dividers, and a punch (makes the holes you stitch in)
 Using the dividers to make a straight line for your stitches...
Using the mallet to hammer the punch into the leather...
Here the piece is completely punched and ready to stitch...
Using a piece of waxed linen with a needle on each end, you sew from both sides back and forth criss crossing the thread....
We've molded a smaller hand bag that we're going to be sewing together here soon so I'd like to take better photos of some of the stitching process then...

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